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Русский Заболевания глаз, Категория:Заболевания глаз

Lazarev S. N., "Diagnostics of karma. Vol. 1. System of the biofield self-regulation", pages 12-13[]

"In 1988 I was approached by the mother of the girl, who had deteriorating vision. The girl was being treated in the First medical Institute, but, despite all efforts of doctors, the cause of the illness could not be determined, and the vision was getting worse. The infection could not be found out, antibiotic treatment did not give any results. The vision in the left eye was six, right - fifty percent and continued to deteriorate.

I began to interact with a girl remotely. After the first session I noticed improvement and proposed a further two to three sessions. After two weeks the girl recovered, and she was discharged with twenty-twenty vision. The cause of the disease I have not found, but the deteriorating process was stopped and I succeeded in restoring vision.

As time went on. Vision of the girl was staying normal, but after a few months suddenly her kidneys started to hurt. With an acute attack of renal colic she was taken to the hospital, but despite entering the antibiotics - there was no improvement again. After some time she was discharged with a bad analyses, kidneys ached. I led four sessions, and then came full recovery. I was happy: the medicine is powerless, medications do not help, antibiotics are not effective, whereas I turned out to be able to help.

At the time I still didn't understand how are all the organs interconnected, I did not know that the disease can move from one organ to another, and, moreover, I did not know that character, destiny, immateriality and other human parameters are also in this chain.

So, the girl was healthy. Some more time passed. My level has improved, and I found out that the human body is a unified system, where health, fate, character, psyche are inseparable. When I met the girl's mother, I regret to learn that, having great health, she has a very bad fate. When extrasensory testing parameters of the fate - it turned out that the value of it were much negative. This usually leads to big troubles.

Then I realized that thinking about health only, focusing on the body only, I bettered one of the section in the system called "human" and worsened the rest. I cured the disease, but did not eliminate its cause, and the disease has moved from body on fate. I realized that it is necessary to treat the person as a unified system. This allowed us to see those connections, the true reasons that really affect all characteristics of the human.

As demonstrated by extrasensory testing, the cause of all the trouble of my patient was a strong resentment of her mother to the father during pregnancy, that caused the deformation biofield structures responsible for health and the fate of the daughter".

Translation from Russian to English implemented participant FDK Sirius.

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